Minecraft Yes Wiki

The Singularity Compressor is a Tier 2 version of the Compressor. It does exactly the same thing as the regular Compressor, but is faster and requires more EU. It is useful when high-speed compressing is needed but is often unused by players because it is considered expensive.

Energy Usage[]

By default (with no Transformer Upgrades, Overclocker Upgrades, or Energy Storage Upgrades), the Singularity Compressor consumes 3 EU/t when compressing or when it's "warming up". The highest PSI it will go is 75,000 with no upgrades. If a Redstone signal is applied, it will accumulate PSI by uses 3 EU/t.


The Singularity Compressor can only accept 32 EU/t, before exploding. (A LV current)


Singularity Compressor/Recipe
